Love Packages

3021 People Accepted Christ

From India:

By the grace of God, our church team were able to reach 47 unreached villages, and we reached two hundred and seventy five thousand (275,000) people with the literature and new testaments Bible you provided. We praise and thank God for the privilege given to us to visit as first missionary to these 47 new villages.

We have distributed more than Two hundred thousand pieces of literature in the last 5 months. We also have displayed crucifixion of Jesus film, through this way God enabled us to take the gospel to many unreached people.

Because of the outreach literature ministry Three thousand and twenty one (3021) people have accepted Christ and we keep baptizing them in various places and pioneering churches. We are sending full-time workers there to prepare great harvest of souls for the kingdom of God.

We have faced lots of serious oppositions through the religious fanatics groups. In some places radicals damaged our sound equipment and bikes, but by the grace of God we escaped from hands of evil people. There are so many challenges to take the literatures lots of places but we try to do some welfare aid to poor and needy, so we can share the gospel.

I will keep sending you testimonies with photos of baptisms. Please pray for these Hindu radicals that God should stop their evil works against our ministry.


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