Thank you so very much for the Love Packages which we have just received. We are so happy and grateful to you for the love and concern that you have for lost souls. Even though our outreach is slow, the Lord is blessing with more souls. Recently two brothers came to Kohima from the Bhutan area and were seeking to be baptized. They were Buddhist. According to their testimony while they were in college in West Bengal, someone gave them our magazines and tracts. After they had gone through those tracts and magazines they found out that salvation is a gift of God and that there is only one way to get it. Only through Jesus Christ. They had been searching for peace and assurance for their salvation in their own religion for many years, but could not find it. After reading the literature they started to go to a Full Gospel fellowship near the college and were convinced that Jesus was the only way. So they accepted Christ and desired to be baptized. They went home during vacation and told their mother that they had become a Christian. She was very highly educated and had read about Christ but was not converted. She did not oppose them but told them not to be baptized in Bhutan but, to come to Nagaland to be baptized. They came with their mother and on October 23rd they were baptized in the Baptist church. After that they came to my house and I presented to them a new Holy Bible. They were so happy! Literature plays an important role in winning souls. We are always thanking God for your continued help with literatures. It encourages us. We are doing our best with the help of God. (Steve’s note: The reason mom didn’t want her sons to be baptized in Bhutan is because baptism means that you have converted to Christianity and they could have been beaten or killed.)
Baptism in Nagaland