Love Packages

Billy Taylor

Billy Taylor is a modern day apostle and one of our literature distributors in the Philippines. In the past several years he has trained leaders and pioneered 153 churches. Billy has a large boat that he pilots to remote islands and takes our literature all over the nation of the Philippines. He called me a couple of weeks ago to update me on how the ministry was progressing. In a previously sent container we had included a number of VBS kits. He was pleasantly surprised and blessed to see that we had sent exactly 153 kits – one for each of his churches. (we didn’t plan that, God did) He told me that thousands of kids had come to VBS and that hundreds had come to Christ. He and a team of workers, had also taken one of the kits and went to a small island where the gospel of Jesus Christ had never been preached before. He later sent me an email with a picture attached. It was great, 400 kids sitting there on the ground with the little crowns they made on their heads, hearing about Christ for the first time.

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