Love Packages

Church compound

Just yesterday morning I was walking in the church compound for the prayer walk, during that time God brought one person his name Mr. Chundern who is Secretary of one big temple in our area. He came inside the compound to talk to me, I felt great surprise to see him coming to talk to me. However, I invited him to the church and had conversation, while speaking to him he said please pray that I should get peace in me and to my family, I feel that I want to suicide, but I thought to meet you before I die, so therefore I came to you. I comforted him though the word of God and by prayer, I taught him who is Jesus Christ, why he came to the world, what is the salvation, etc. after talking to him 2 hours, he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ with tears of true repentance, I gave him a New Testament bible, some of the literature of gospel that I got from you. He gave me a prayer request that God should bring his whole family from the Hindu background, and also he said that God should protect him as he is going to resign his secretary post from the temple. Because he is in fear that the Hindu group may do evil to him after he comes out of the team. Please send as much as of books, bible, DVD, commentary, etc. which is greatly helping us the ministry.

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