Love Packages

Discipleship is taking place

Our medical and health teams have been active this month of January. 4 medical missions were conducted in Aringay, La Union, Tabu, Dalupirip, Itogon, Benguet; Matibuey, San Emilio, Ilocos Sur and San Feilpe, Binalonan, Pangasinan. A total of 568 people were treated and provided medicines and vitamins as well as spiritual counseling and prayer. Literature provided by LOVE PACKAGES of Illinois, U.S.A. were given to each one that came for treatment. Most of the people that came for treatment were poor and needy, and 412 accepted Jesus into their hearts. As you can see by the testimonies our literature played a significant part in the salvations and discipleship that is taking place in Fiji and the Philippines.

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