Love Packages

“Gold on Paper”

Thank you for letting me be a part of what God is doing through Love Packages. It has been an incredible joy to watch Pastors, missionaries and teachers receive the material you sent us. I have realized, even more so than before, that there is very little material here. Nearly every church I talked with said they have no Sunday School material or books. This material has brought so much joy to people. I have already distributed about 90% of the material and have a list of more people wanting some. I have seen people break out in praise and worship as well as tears of joy. Yesterday I brought material to a meeting of about 40 people who work with gangs, prostitutes and in the prisons. These are Guatemalans who receive no support or pay for what they do. Some came and shared testimonies of receiving death threats – which in Guatemala City is extremely serious, because of their ministry. I was able to give everyone as much material as they could carry. One lady came to me and said they have never had material before and called it, “Gold on paper.” One young man who was a former member of the 18th Street Gang, was like a kid on Christmas morning as he was looking at the material.   I am saving much of the remaining material for churches in the mountains that I plan to visit in December. These are extremely poor people who struggle with malnutrition and illiteracy – which is around 40%. Please continue to pray for us.

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