Love Packages

Great is His Love

Mr. Ram Mohan was from a Brahim Family (idol worshippers) and he was an alcoholic. He never used to go to work because of his constant drinking habit. He was shunned by his family. One day while he was under the influence of liquor, a believer came to him and said that “Jesus loves you”. Mr. Ram Mohan was very annoyed at this man who kept saying to him “Jesus loves you”. But after some days God started to work on him and he began to wonder why Jesus should love him. He bought himself a bible, read the life giving word and eventually accepted Jesus as his personal saviour. He says now that even for a moment he does not want to think about his past life which he compares it as a life of a pig. Now he is doing full time ministry among the children and young people. It was touching to see him weep while he said “Great is His Love”.

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