Love Packages

killing fields of the Philippines

Last week, I had the privilege to launch feeding programs in 228 elementary schools in the Province of Kalinga.  Kalinga is known to be the “killing fields of the Philippines”.  There are tribal wars between tribes unabated. Headhunting sprees are a daily occurrence.  Even in populated areas where there is supposed to be police and military forces, shootings, stabbings and killings take place regularly.  I nearly wept, as I stood before the principals  of the elementary schools of the whole province and presented to them the feeding program.  I   turned over vitameal, paid for by Feed the Children.  The donation was worth more than 5 million pesos.  Here was an opening to reach even the farthest remotest most dangerous places with the Gospel of Jesus. The food, and the outdated Sunday School materials donated by Love Packages are going into areas where killing, fighting, headhunting is still ongoing and where there are totally no churches or church outreaches.  There are no television or radios in most of these areas.  But the word of God is going in there, Glory to God.  

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