Love Packages

Nepal and Bhutan outreach

The purpose of this writing is just to share with you about our outreach ministry. We have visited Nepal and Bhutan as an follow-up work since we have distributed large amounts of literature there in the past. Though we cannot preach in Bhutan, yet we had wonderful fellowship with the believers, and two new brothers were baptized. Our missionaries are doing a good job by going inside Bhutan and having secret fellowships with those believers and giving Bibles and other Christian books. In such a place there is no other way to reach these lost souls except through literature. With the help of literature many souls have been saved. In Nepal, it happened at a village very close to Tibet. This village had never had the Gospel before, all the people were Hindu, and earned their living by cattle farming, selling milk and butter. But last year there was a cattle epidemic in that area and many cows died. One man had 36 cows, and within one month 20 cows died. Many treatments could not stop the disease. 7 more died. He was desperate, so he made many sacrifices to his god’s but nothing helped him. One day he was searching for medicine in town and he received a tract from one of our team. That day after returning he found 3 more cows dead. After he buried them, he was sitting with a very heavy heart, when he reached in his pocket and found the tract. It said “Come unto me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” The tract told him about Christ and how He healed the sick and raised the dead. After reading it he thought if Jesus really is God, and if He healed my cows, (which he only had 6 left and they were very sick), then I will follow Him. He told us that he called upon the name of Jesus and that God miraculously healed his 6 cows. After one week he came back into town in search of our team. We have now received word that our missionary has went to that village and preached the Gospel. This man was among 8 people that were baptized. Praise the Lord!

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