Thanks for your desire and efforts to help our nation with God’s word, we rejoice and are blessed by your support. This country is now changing spiritually, since you started sending containers, many have been reached, touched, blessed and spiritually healed. But this country is very big with over 34 Million Population. Even as I write you, I have over 1000 letters requesting Bibles, Books etc. from Pastors, Evangelists, Churches, Ministries, Villages, etc. In fact, we could use 2-3 containers per month to try to quench the thirst for the Word of God here. Now is the time when people are trying to establish Libraries in their Bible Colleges, Churches, Public Christian reading rooms and Lending Libraries. Love Packages are the only solution. Your heart to support Tanzanian Pastors by giving them bicycles is a revelation. Pastors have been suffering long time by travelling a long distance for preaching, but now they have bicycles. Over 2O pastors have benefited from the bicycles you have sent.
Spiritual changes