Love Packages

Starting a film show

We are starting our film show and last month we showed in two places. It is very satisfying to see so many people are watching and listening and most of the watchers have never heard or know about the story of Jesus. It is the first, and for many it might be they never have a chance to hear or to see again. It is my desired that film show is not for entertainment, but for reaching the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ with literatures, since I have very little literature I could not give to all but to fews. If we could give them literatures or pamphlets people who have seen or heard are made easy to understand or they could study further of what they have seen and heard. Our message would have effect and remind them of the message for the days to come and not for just that moment. I need literatures when we showing film for this is an opportunity of spreading the gospel of Salvation. Though there is so much opposition and allegation against us as Christians in our country, but the Lord is blessing our works with more souls, in last month – 14 people were baptized and this month – 8 were baptized and are from Hindu background. Recently one muslim came to my house and request bible as he tell me that he have accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour and had baptized last July he wanted to read the bible but he could not afford to buy, so I give him one. I have sent all the bibles which I received from you to our workers in Bhutan border and to the newly born in the Kingdom of God, also I have sent to the pastor who requested for bible. I am grateful to you for your continual supplied me with the Love Package which it made available to the needy who so desired to read God words.

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