Love Packages

The help of literature

I am so grateful to you for your love and prayer which you have been support me and our literatures ministry for the last many years, and we thank God for the blessing which He has blessed us with many souls which God saved them through the literatures ministry. And ten of thousand more people who live in darkness have come to the knowledge of God love and saving power of Jesus Christ with the help of literatures.

People who worship the superstitious spirits and live in a place where the gospel has never preached, but by the help of literatures they have seen great light of the gospel. Today in these same regions ten of thousands are WORSHIPPING THE LORD 3 – 4 times a week. Again last week some of our youths visited a village in which not a single person are Christian, but it surprising to the teams when the Headman of the village are so happy to receive them and requested them to stay at his home, and calling all the villagers to his house and requesting our youths to tell them the story of Jesus. He told them he read in a tract about Jesus, and were so happy and they start to sing and preached to them and they stay there for 2 days and the people of that village are requesting them to come again and sing and tell them the love story of Jesus Christ and the headman have decided to follow Jesus.. There is many wonderful thing happened in many places, I cannot give you all detail but just to let you know how the printing pages of God word is effective in reaching the lost to Christ.

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