Love Packages

The impact will be Enormous!

Please understand that illiteracy in Guatemala is around 40% and up to 50% in some areas of the country. The churches and schools do not have books and resources to properly educate children, adults and pastors. The impact this container of material is going to have in Guatemala will be enormous. I had the privilege of providing over 500 copies of the book, “Lo Unico Que No Podras Hacer En El Cielo” (One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven), to a local Guatemalan Seminary which will be used as a regular text book for students.

My son has a good friend who lives in a small neighborhood in San Cristobal. Each time I drive to his home I pass a small poor Assembly of God church. I felt prompted by the Lord to bring material to this church. As I unloaded several packs of Sunday School material on the curb in front of the church the Pastor began raising his hands praising the Lord and telling me that they have been praying a long time for God to provide Sunday School material. I plan to return next week with more material for this pastor who has a network of other churches in the rural areas of Guatemala in which they have also been praying for material.

Hundreds of other pastors and missionaries have received this material and it is now being used in all areas of Guatemala. With that said I know we have yet to touch the surface of the need here.

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