Love Packages

The Literature Has Changed Lives

Let me quickly thank you very much for the last container of Bibles and Literatures that came to us last year. Distribution went well. The Literature have changed many lives and that so many came to know the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Revivals, Crusades, and Seminars were held in different places and churches and that many tracts and literature were distributed. At one revival meeting I can record 35 coming to accept the Lord as their personal saviour and at a crusade that was held by our Gospel For Africa Ministries 80 persons accepted the Lord and were at onces baptized and sent to various churches. Rev. Steve, due to this literature distribution efforts, two denominations are now given birth to. The Living Word Churches, headed by Rev. Abenego G. Tarr and The True Vine Churches headed by Rev. Alexander Zaza. There are now several churches planters within out villages of Liberia from various churches due to the efforts to the Literature distribution project. To backup the evident we have sent you several pictures in the past of our distribution efforts. Again, we want to thank you for all your efforts and cares to the Churches of Liberia.

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