Love Packages

There was Much Rejoicing

Frontline mission teams are completing a complex series of mission outreaches to Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. This has involved pioneering ministry into neglected and remote regions. Going literally off the map, the team crossed rivers by ferries and pontoons and visited and mapped 55 villages, many of whom said that this was the first time they had ever seen any white people. The team conducted  Creation evangelism in 26 of these villages, laying solid foundations teaching on Creation, the Fall, the Law and the need for a Saviour.  As villagers came to Repentance and Faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, there was much rejoicing.  There were the inevitable vehicle problems on the challenging roads, and Mike has come down with a serious bout of malaria. However the team has continued to persevere and have succeeded in delivering wheelchairs, medicines, boxes of love packages, Gospel booklets, Bibles, audio-visual materials and much leadership training materials to those who most need and appreciate them.

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