Love Packages

Three brothers from Burma

I am thankful to the Lord for His many blessings which he has blessed us with these past years as a result of the literature ministry. We have distributed much in the past few years, and we were thrilled when our brothers from across the border came and reported the effectiveness of the literature in their region. This week 3 brothers from Burma came to collect more literature and Bibles and told us that in their region they have established 17 new churches and more are coming up. This is because of the literatures. In India there have been many changes in the past few months. Christians are being harassed, burning of churches, and hindrance of the movement of our workers. Preaching has become very difficult, but we are continuing our outreaches, even in the difficulty. We believe it is the work of the devil who wants to stop the gospel, because he knows his day is short. In this regard, please pray for the churches in India that we may have boldness to work and spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

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