Love Packages

Vacation Bible School program

Our vacation bible school program went well and was a great blessing. Three hundred children attended. On the last day during the commitment time, a boy from the primary class came forward and shared his decision with tears in his eyes. He said he used to tell a lot of lies to his mother, and he is not going to do that anymore. As the boy spoke, his mother was sitting at the back of the room. She came to one of the teachers after the program and said she was surprised to see her son make this decision. Weeping, she said she now wanted to attend a church regularly because if her son could change within these three days, then Jesus Christ should be the real God. She has been guided to a nearby Church. All glory to the Lord! This report illustrates only a small portion of the great things God did in the lives of more than 60,000 children this summer in India. Approximately 500 VBS programs were held and at least 10,000 children gave their lives to Jesus! That thrills me, we had a part in that by suppling the VBS Kits.

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