Love Packages

23 Muslims Gave Their Lives to Christ

There was mass distribution of Christian literature, Bibles, books and tracts in the township and villages of Ejura.

When Reverend Solomon received these materials from us, he said there is a mosque in every single community in Ejura. After distributing hundreds of Christian literature in these Muslim communities, many of the Muslims became very angry and began to question what is this Christendom about, and who is this Jesus Christ. Then Reverend Solomon decided to pay for a radio interview to explain who Jesus Christ is and His mission on earth.


Steve, to my surprise last month, there was 23 Muslims who gave their lives to Christ and this month there are 36 in the number of Muslims who gave their lives to Jesus and has been baptized already.


Steve, to my surprise last month, there was 23 Muslims who gave their lives to Christ and this month there are 36 in the number of Muslims who gave their lives to Jesus and has been baptized already. Reverend Solomon is requesting more Bibles, books and other Christian literature to freely distribute among the whole township. I promised him we will be getting him more literature to save the lost. This is all possible because of the Love Packages. Blessings!

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