Love Packages

Almost no one could escape our tracts.

It has been a precious and wonderful three months experience of evangelism for our ministry since we collected the English, Twi, Ga and Ewe tracts and also a few Hausa tracts from your depot. We have not rested. It has been a burden on our hearts to make sure that we distribute these tracts to the appropriate people, who are willing to read and also who will be won for Christ through the tracts.


We had a lot of zeal this time in our work, since we had almost all the tracts for the main tribes in Ghana. Almost no one could escape our tracts. Through our prayers we were directed by the Holy Spirit to distribute these tracts at the lorry stations and market places. You  couldn’t imagine the hundreds of people traveling daily. We realized that, passengers in queue and those who have already boarded vehicles were ready and willing to receive our tracts and read while in the queue or while traveling in the vehicle. Many times passengers read the tracts and requested for more so that they could distribute to their friends and family members.

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