Hello! My name is Jonathan white, and I’ve grown up my whole life in the faith. My father is a pastor and even used to take me to love packages to volunteer as a kid. So after school I entered the workforce and after going from job to job, I felt sort of lost. Not sure what my future held and no idea what God had planned for me. But after continually asking him for guidance, the idea kept coming up to work at love packages. At this time they had a full staff so I thought it couldn’t work, but without me ever mentioning anything; my father came to me and asked if I would want to quit my job, and start as a volunteer at love packages and the church would give me a small salary. I know it was of God so I of course said yes and after volunteering for several months, Kenny (one of the employees) moved on to a new job and opened up the spot for me. I’m so glad I have this opportunity to put my hands to God’s work each and every day.