217-532-6701 (Illinois) 256-355-3004 (Alabama)
2,504 Children
June 11, 2015

We held simple Christmas parties for all the children in our feeding centers jointly run by Bethesda Ministries ans the Department of Education – 2,564 children. We fixed a bag of candy, a little toy, an apple and some snacks to give to each child. It was so good to be able to hand each child a piece of Sunday School literature. What amazed and blessed me so much was that in ALL of the feeding centers, the children IMMEDIATELY opened the reading materials and excitedly read stories about Jesus. The response was terrific as the children saw pictures and read the stories. (NOTE FROM LOVE PACKAGES: We received pictures with this testimony and to see all the children looking at the pictures on their SS leaflets instead of playing with the toy they had received at the same time was SO encouraging to us we knew you would be blessed to read it too! Come visit to see the pictures!)