2,020 in 2020 update:
16 of 101 containers have been shipped
The Lord put it on our hearts at the end of 2019 to send 2,020 tons of literature in 2020. That comes to 101 containers. It’s more than we’ve ever sent in a year, and we can’t do it without your help! Please pray about how you can get involved.
We sent six more containers in February!
#12 went to Thailand
#13 went to Ghana
#14 went out on Valentine’s Day! – Awwww
#15 went to Kenya
#16 went to the Philippines
News from the Field
In addition to the testimonies we share in the monthly newsletter, we got some pictures from our distributors last month.

Conference Time!
We also got to hang out at the National Religious Broadcasters’ Christian Media Conference last month. We talked to lots of great people and made some awesome connections with Christian authors!

Looking forward to more in March! We hope to see you soon!
Praise God! This is so inspiring! Thank you so much for diligently continuing to allow others to share our “mites” (our few Bibles, few Christian books, etc.) with the believers across the world! Thank you for being faithful to Christ and His people. God bless you and continue to use you all at Love Packages for His glory.