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South Africa
The Gospel in Four Languages for Africa
February 2, 2019

From South Africa:

I want to say thank you for the wonderful contribution of Arabic Bibles and tract booklets in French and also one box of
Hebrew books that was included in our shipment. Also thank you for the Portuguese Bibles received. You have blessed many souls with these Bibles.

The Portuguese Bibles – are all on their way to different parts in Africa. Some of them to Ovambo churches in Namibia – some waiting on private people who will visit Angola in a short while – some on their way to a mining group in Malawi and some to another missionary in Malawi. Two big boxes of Portuguese Bibles was sent with pastors to [redacted] in Mozambique.

Some of the Arabic Bibles are on their way to Dakar Senegal – some to Nigeria and even Malawi/Mozambique. Also to Uganda – and Kenya where there are newly converts who can speak and read Arabic.

Photo’s of people with these Bibles are a little more difficult to get – because they are new converts from other religions and most of them do not want to have photo’s of themselves – which is understandable.

The Hebrew tracts will be send to Mr. [redacted] of Israel – he is a mighty missionary – for almost 35 years – and he will be able to use these little small tracts in different areas.

The French tracts are also being sent to Dakar Senegal – to pastor [redacted] – and to Uganda – to the area where the Kampala camp is with 12,000 refugees. They are so thankful when receiving tracts books. I also send many French bibles from your organization to them.

God Bless you for all the materials.

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