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Churches in Arunachal Pradesh
June 11, 2015

Thank you very much for another 5 boxes of the Love Packages which came to me this week. The consignment which I received earlier, I have sent through our carriage to the Pastors of Arunachal Pradesh. The churches in Arunachal Pradesh desperately need many Bible and reading materials. The Holy Spirit is moving mightily in […]

Hospital visit
June 11, 2015

Yesterday I visited the general hospital and was talking to some patients when the chaplain of the hospital came in. He reminded me of the need to distribute spiritual literature. He begged me to give him as much as I could. Many Hindus, Muslims, and Buddhists come for treatment and are eager to receive literature. […]

Muslim and Hindu outreach
June 11, 2015

Thank you very much for another box of Love Packages we received here last week. I am so happy for the materials which I could give to the ministers of the Gospel who are requesting literature. A report reached me that many people were touched by the cassette tapes, some have received Christ as their […]

A privilege to receive
June 11, 2015

I thank God for you and the packages of books and literature that you sent to us. It’s a great privilege for us to receive books from you and to distribute them among the unreached people. Really your books and materials help us a lot in reaching many souls and many homes. We are doing […]

Traveling missionaries
June 11, 2015

Thank you very much for the packages. I am so happy and thankful. The traveling missionaries we have, have formed groups of 5 person teams and they travel to many unreached regions and carry a lot of Bibles and literatures. They were getting ready to move to the North Burma and Arunachal Pradesh regions and […]

Against much opposition
June 11, 2015

Thank you for another three packages. Even though there is much opposition against the Christian faith here in India, yet the Spirit of the Lord is moving and many thousands are crying out for the Word of God. Thanks for helping us.

Gaining more knowledge
June 11, 2015

Thank you very much for the boxes of Love Packages. The Bibles and literatures was of great help for our ministry of reaching out to the lost with the Gospel. The video which you sent me earlier, it has helped me specially as I am teaching every week. By the grace and inspiration of God, […]

Nepal and Bhutan outreach
June 11, 2015

The purpose of this writing is just to share with you about our outreach ministry. We have visited Nepal and Bhutan as an follow-up work since we have distributed large amounts of literature there in the past. Though we cannot preach in Bhutan, yet we had wonderful fellowship with the believers, and two new brothers […]

Arunachal Pradesh crusade
June 11, 2015

The Lord is blessing this outreach ministry with more souls coming to the Lord through literature. It is thrilling to us when people rush to where we are distributing literature just so they can get one piece. At a crusade in Arunachal Pradesh I sent five bags of tracts, magazines and some Bibles with our […]

Despite threats, persecution and opposition
June 11, 2015

Despite all threats, persecutions, and even opposition from authority, the Spirit of God is moving in a mighty way and revival fires are spreading in many regions of eastern India. Spirit filled believers are boldly declaring the power of God and hundreds of miraculous healings and deliverance are being done in Jesus name. Youth from […]